Harrogate 57A?

Did you join Harrogate Army Apprentices School in 1957? Are you on the List? Have You contacted Fred Carslake?

Fred says:-

“I have attached a copy of my intakes original nominal roll which shows who I have found, those who have died and those I am still looking for in the hope you can help me find a few more. I have spent 35 years tracking them down and have so far found 105 out of about 140, so I am asking for some HELP in finding a few more before they all pass away. We have unfortunately lost about 30 of those I have found so far.

Three questions I would like to ask –

  1. Where did they originate from ?
  2. Where did they end up ?
  3. Where are they now ?

I am quite happy for my email address and phone number being used in any write-up you would like to make, they are – Email : fred.carslake@sky.com  I live in Yate just north of Bristol”.

Contact us via the website for telephone contact details.

57A Nominal Roll x

This listing was supplied by the Commandant of the Army Apprentice School at Harrogate from their record department. It must however be noted that some of the people on this list for one reason or another, did not form part of the intake because they did not arrive, and may have joined a later intake. It must also be noted that there may be some names missing from the list because they joined at a later date i.e. transfers in from the other Army Apprentices Schools at Chepstow and Arborfield for Trade Changes.